Well Quizz is thanking the good Lord Above that the weekend is over.

My poor beleaguer dog had a date with (drum roll please) the VET on Saturday.

This was his annual array of shots (two months late, BAD MAMMA!), Stool Sample, and Examination.  With all the cold weather we’ve been having, his knee has really been bothering him. AND, he had to get his toenails clipped.  That was NOT fun.  He has never liked having his toes messed with.  Picture me laying on top of my miserable dog while the valiant vet tech took care of business.

When Quizz was about 6 months old he was exposed to Lyme and it settled in his left back knee.  Ever since cold weather brings out the old dog in him.  Last month I started him on a regime of Glucosamine.  It took awhile to find one he would eat. Dr. Morgan says that his hips and knee structures look good, we just need to let the Glucosamine do its job and watch him closely.

So, my poor poochie spent the rest of the weekend recovering from the visit to the VET. Fortunately, he forgave everyone before he left.  Kisses and Butt-wiggles to everyone.

I love the fact that I’m blessed with a good natured dog.

About Leila

Born an orderly Scorpio, I write, take pictures, & do my best to live creatively.
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3 Responses to TGIT

  1. Schwang says:

    What an adorable face. Funny what a vet can bring out in dogs. When we took Miss M. to get shots at Petco, she started screaming and spitting like The Exorcist. People allover the store were trying to figure out what the terrible noise was…

  2. daisydog says:

    Poor Quizz. I wish I could find one that Daisy would eat. With her chronic knee and hip she really should be taking it. I wonder if there is a liquid that I can just squirt into her mouth?

    • Leila says:

      Well, currently I’m using subterfuge! 🙂

      1-800-PetMeds has a Super Joint Enhancer Soft Chew that is Chicken Liver flavor. Stinks to high heaven, but passes the Quizz palette test. He seems to be getting more giddy in his giddy-up. So, we’ll see where this goes.

      BTW, saw the picture with Daisy and Milk. LOVED it!

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